Raised in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, Chelsea is a documentary and adventure filmmaker with a passion for exploring the intricate beauty of the natural world and celebrating connections between people and planet.
Over 8 years of experience in the film industry mixed with a background in applied linguistics, and conflict resolution gives Chelsea a uniquely creative perspective to impactful communication. Her diverse expertise in both commercial and documentary filmmaking has enabled her to develop innovative strategies that captivate audiences and challenge conventional narratives in media.
In 2024 she won “Best Adventure Doc” at the Vancouver International Film Festival for her film, “With the Tide” as well as 5 awards for her film, “JOJO- A Toad Musical”- including “The Grand Jury Prize” at Wild & Scenic Film Festival and “Best Short” at International Wildlife Film Festival.
Chelsea's work extends to conservation, science communications, and community based impact where she strives to raise awareness and inspire meaningful action. By finding common ground among disparate interest groups, she uncovers shared values and builds unexpected alliances.
I look forward to collaborating with you!
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